• The activity of MAGOURBAN is the manufacture and commercialisation of urban furniture and products for gardening, offering our clients the maximum technical advice on the best solution for their needs, supported by the use of innovative processes and optimal work organisation.
  • We are committed to complying with legal and regulatory requirements, and others that we may voluntarily subscribe to, as well as to preventing environmental pollution and promoting safety awareness at work.
  • We understand that Quality and respect for the Environment are key elements that are integrated into all aspects of daily business management, aimed at satisfying the needs and expectations of our customers.
  • The development of an Integrated Quality and Environmental Management System, based on ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015, has the personal commitment of the Management and is assumed by all collaborators.
  • We are committed to the continuous improvement of the System, in order to improve environmental and quality performance. To this end, we establish measurable objectives and targets, with plans and resources to achieve them. The objectives are mainly associated with the reduction of the consumption of natural resources and the reduction of waste generation or its reuse.
  • We strive to achieve the maximum possible efficiency in the management of raw materials, natural resources, processes, products and services, striving for the company's competitiveness.
  • This Policy, understood as a reference framework for action, is communicated to all collaborators, and will be periodically reviewed by the Management.