Sun-Set Solar Charging Station by In-Tenta


Solar charging station Sun-Set, clean, respectful and free energy to power the SUN-SET Smart City Line collection.

Sun-Set solar charging station of Magourban that is made up of a metallic structure and photovoltaic panels that take advantage of the sun to make people stay connected outdoors, through an autonomous and ecological energy system.
Clean, respectful and free energy that is transformed into electricity to illuminate the urban space, offer services in the bank and/or fuel the operation of the hand sanitizer gel dispensers, elements of the SUN-SET smart city line collection by Magourban.
Permanent connectivity that responds to new social needs arising from a new 'mobile' lifestyle in the contemporary city.

SUN-SET line features a new concept of public space, smart and healthy. Conceived as an extension of our homes, where enjoying the fresh open air and green spaces without giving up on the new needs emerged from the latest 'mobile' technologies. But, at the same time, respecting and taking care of us and the environment. Responsibility that involves the whole productive process, design, manufacturing, transport, assembling, useful life and recycling.